Jennie Renner
2 min readMay 27, 2021

I love irises. There are some blooming in my yard right now. The blooms don’t last very long so if you want to enjoy them, you best not wait until tomorrow — they might be gone. The wind and the rain can take them prematurely too, so even their short lives can be cut shorter by the elements.

Lavender and purple iris up close with yellow iris and fence blurred out in the background.
Irises blooming on my birthday

Oh, such is life. There are so many beautiful moments that don’t last very long. If you take them for granted, and hope they will be there when you have time to enjoy them, you may be disappointed. And the weather of life can affect us too.

There’s a song by The Strumbellas called “Spirits” — the bridge goes like this:

“And I don’t want a never-ending life

I just want to be alive

While I’m here”

I’ve had these lines stuck in my head for the last few days. It seems fitting as I sit here on my birthday contemplating life. And irises.

I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression for over 16 years. I don’t talk about it much outside of my inner circle. Mindfulness has been a part of my healing — and sometimes medications — and having many supportive, loving people in my life.

I woke up this morning with gratitude for those people who have been on this journey with me and touched my life in ways big and small. And as I contemplate the beauty of my irises, I am reminded not to take any of this for granted. Any of it.

So I am sending love out to all of you who have helped me get to this point in my life. And for those of you who have been there during the really hard times, an extra special “thank you.”

Please take a moment today to really experience the beauty that is around you, and love the people you are with. And really be alive while you’re here.

Jennie Renner

I am an artist. Sometimes I use words to paint a picture. Sometimes I use images. And sometimes — I use both.